Tuesday, July 30, 2013

HCSMT Summer Brunch

We're back online, with a new look!

President Ron Volpe Discussing HCSMT's 2013-2104 Season
After returning from an enjoyable vacation, the HCSMT executive board hosted Hood College administrators, creative team members, and college alumni for a season inaugural brunch on July 26, 2013. While enjoying breakfast, HCSMT members swapped summer stories and had an opportunity to discuss our upcoming season with their faculty advisers and college administrators. I had the pleasure of dining with President Volpe, Vocal Director Lynn Staininger, and Tech Director Teresa Case; we had a lively discussion regarding the future of HCSMT and the renovations occurring to the Tatem Arts Center, where HCSMT houses its workshops and rehearsals. President Volpe and myself even had some time to slip in our favorite pastime - sharing "old Hood stories." Did you know the stage housing Seussical! was remolded using money allocated for snow removal in the early 2000's? Needless to say, it didn't snow that year - a testament to President Volpe's superhero powers (which every Hood student knows he secretly has!)

After the brunch, the entire Seussical! creative team sat down together, for the first time, and shared their ideas with the group. We heard presentations regarding Seussical! costumes, registration and audition processes for the children's ensemble, and finalized the construction materials needed for the impending set. It was inspiring and humbling to see the entire team collaborating and stretching their creative spirits. I knew immediately that I had chosen the perfect team.

HCSMT President Travis Gilbert during the Creative Team Meeting
Finally, the HCSMT executive board ended the day with a leadership retreat and the first executive board meeting of the 2013-2014 season. Great presentations were prepared by Liaison Lew Dean, directing the 2nd Annual Gender-Bender Cabaret, and Treasurer Joe Denicola on the fall HCSMT fundraiser.

Be sure to check back this week with an exciting update on HCSMT's Literacy Advocacy Campaign, August's Cat Nip, and another personal reflection on Seussical!

Seussically Yours,
Travis Gilbert

1 comment:

  1. I just love this. I cannot wait to see what you all create this year. I love you all!
